Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Burpz@ AMK

My family and I went there last Thursday! What a great experience. It wasnt our first time there though. BURPZ is located at blk 603. About 5 mins walk from St Nicholas Girls School. That café gave a very cosy atmosphere. It is still new as its their second month operating. Dad's family likes going there a lot. My cousins love it there and always bug us to bring them there! i personally like the place too cause they provide good food with a cosy atmosphere!
Lets allow the photo to do the talking!
(Sorry for the bad lighting!)
 Truffle fries 
Fish and Chips

Just to take note!
they are close on Monday!!!
Head on to their website to find out more! 

Omakase Burger

This is probably the best burger I've eaten. my friend and i decided to eat at this restaurant cause the smile of truffle is so strong. 
Though it was pricey for a student like us, we decided to give it a try cause we had a stressful week and had needed a good meal. 
We went during lunch time, so it was pretty packed. Plus the chairs are comfortable so people were not willing to leave. 
My friend decided to look or a seat while i went to order our food. 
When the food came, my friend and i were SO happy. we could not contained our happiness. The burger and truffle fries was THAT good. 
we spent a total of estimated $42 for 1 omakase cheese burger, 1 bacon cheese burger, 1 bowl of truffle fries and 2 root beer float. 
I only managed to take 1 photo of it cause it looked so good and i couldn't wait to eat it. 
it was so good, i brought my mum to try it! She agreed it was good and suggest bringing my dad there soon! 
(The power of word of mouth) 

it was so good, i brought my mum to try it! After trying it, she agreed it was good and suggest bringing my dad there soon! 
(The power of word of mouth) 
This time, i took more photos! 

To find out more, head on to their website!
For their Wisma Atria outlet (which was the one we went) opens from 10am-10pm
but i suggest to head down at about 11.50am before all the crowd comes in.
Please go try it! you wont regret!

That's all!